hello, can u plz help me?? I can't run the javascript on Mozilla nad IE(can run on Chrome) I don't know why. I think my javascript has some problem. Here is my code .....

		function check()
		alert("You need to complete the form");
		else continue;
		function check_no()
		var no=document.getElementById("phone").value;
		else {alert("Only number");}
		function check_email(email,alerttxt)
			with (email)
			  if (apos>1)
				  if(dotpos-apos>1||dotpos2-apos>1){document.getElementById('email_error').style.visibility="hidden"; return true;}
			  else {document.getElementById('email_error').style.visibility="visible";}
			function check_pass()
			var first=document.getElementById("passwd").value;
			var second=document.getElementById("passwd2").value;
			else {alert("Passwords do not match");document.getElementById("passwd").value="";document.getElementById("passwd2").value="";document.getElementById("passwd").select();}

Thz u for ur helps.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
function check()
			alert("You need to complete the form");

Remove elsepart with continue;

function check_pass()
			var first=document.getElementById("passwd").value;
			var second=document.getElementById("passwd2").value;
			[B]if(!(first==second)){alert("Passwords do not match");document.getElementById("passwd").value="";document.getElementById("passwd2").value="";document.getElementById("passwd").select();} [/B]

Make the changes in the function like above here to removed the continue.

It's still incorrect. :(

It's still incorrect. :(

Member Avatar for diafol

Did you think of posting this in the JS forum?

Actually I used it in HTML file ... to check validation...

Member Avatar for diafol

Actually I used it in HTML file ... to check validation...

Of course, but it's still a js issue. You may get more js experts in the js forum.

Thanks for sharing knowledge.

commented: You should die a horrible death for sig spamming -1
Member Avatar for diafol

Thai spy with my little eye a spammer beginning with servertoday. Shameless. Go clog up another site.

Thz u all I'll move this to JS forum ....

hi, i need help concerning js is there anybody that can help?

Member Avatar for diafol

>hi, i need help concerning js is there anybody that can help?

Go - to - the - JS - forum...

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