how can i make the results of a google search form staying at my url?
usualy, the forms directs to, but look here: (jump to section: search): at this site the results actualy stays at the same url! and its not just a google page with some cosmetics as in

There are two searches that can be done, the web itself, or the site. If you search the web, the results appear on a google page framed by the site.

There are two searches that can be done, the web itself, or the site. If you search the web, the results appear on a google page framed by the site.

o.k. and how do i frame it? what is the code?

There is no simple "code". HTML Frames have been around for years, since the very early days. I suggest you start with the official documentation, and as you write your code and hit difficulties, come back to ask specific questions.

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