In the following code the Submit button actualy says "Submit Query" on my page but I can not find anywhere that I have written "Submit Query" in the file. Any ideas? I would like to change the second one.

<title>Simiply Query</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyles.css" media="screen" />


Query Database Form
<form action="process3.php" method="POST">
<div id="form1">
<table width="25%">

<tr> <td>First Name:</td> 
     <td align="right"> <input type="text" name="fname"></td></tr>

<tr> <td>Last Name:</td>
     <td align="right"> <input type="text" name="lname"></td></tr>

<tr> <td>Email:</td>
     <td align='right'> <input type="text" name="email"></td></tr>

    </select></td><td><input type="submit"></td></tr>

Insert Database Form
<form action="insert.php" method="POST">
<div id="form2">
<table width="25%">

<tr> <td>First Name:</td>
     <td align="right"> <input type="text" name="fname"></td></tr>

<tr> <td>Last Name:</td>
     <td align="right"> <input type="text" name="lname"></td></tr>

<tr> <td>Email:</td>
     <td align='right'> <input type="text" name="email"></td></tr>

        </select></td><td><input type="submit"></td></tr>
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