I have an Acer 5520. Awhile ago it did not recognize my DVD. I tried the bios and turned it on and off and it finally found it. Now it did it again and I can not get it to find the DVD. The DVD player/writer works but the computer wont recognize it. What can I do to fix it permanently.

There might be something wrong with your dics, did this problem happens on other disc?

Try downloading the drivers for it from the manufacturer's website. That's really strange. It should be detected automatically. Perhaps the drive is malfunctioning or broken.

Hi Sariscos. The original poster have not come back and reply for a long time so we do not know how is his progress. What he mean is he can't find his DVD, i am not sure if he mean only one or all of his DVD can't be read and play. Can be a driver problem as well but till now we are not sure what he has done. MAybe he has already updated the driver and the problem still persists. But hey, nice to see you participate in this forum. See you around:)

Hi Jingda,

I guess he got mad and bought a different drive. Hopefully he upgraded to Blu-Ray. DVD is so 2006.

Ya, the last time i use a DVD player was a few years back then. Now i am using Blu Ray, higher definition.

its Your windows probelm as well as
First reinstall Your window and than drivers
after tha your laptop is ready for work.

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