Good Morning All ..

I accidentally spilled some coffe on the keyboard of my HP Pavillion zv6000. The laptop will still boot to the XP login screen but I get alot of beeping like keys have already been pressed. I can't login because the keys won't register. So I know I've fried the k/b. BTW, I can still get to the hard drive through the network so I know the motherboard and hard drive are still OK.

Here's my problem.

I thought I would remove the old k/b and replace it with a new one which is readily available on the internet but when I follow the instructions in the HP manual on how to disassemble it, I cannot get the top cover off to reveal the k/b. The instructions are quite clear about removing four screws, pressing down on the label to release the latch and sliding the cover off but no matter what I try the cover just won't come off. I don't want to force it. Any ideas?

Also, I have thought about trying to use an external k/b just to be able to log on, but I think the shorted k/b is getting in the way. Is there a way to disable the internal k/b so I can use an external one?

Any help would be appreciated.


Keyboard bezels are trickey. I always feel like they are going to break when removing them. I usually use a small screwdriver to help get under the bezel so I can wiggle it loose. Follow the guide and be forceful but gentle. Oxymoron I know.

Keyboard bezels are trickey. I always feel like they are going to break when removing them. I usually use a small screwdriver to help get under the bezel so I can wiggle it loose. Follow the guide and be forceful but gentle. Oxymoron I know.

You're right, though I tried to be careful, I broke the bezel when I tried to take it out. I cannot even find it in the parts lists for the laptop. Do you have any idea where I can get a replacement?

Tnx ...


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