Hi I'm having some issues with my Dell Inspiron 1150 laptop. I'm not sure what the problem is but I get no display when i turn it on and nothing when hooked to an external monitor as well. I get power lights, noise like it is running but nothing shows up on any screen. I had previously taken th elaptop a part to clean out the vents because it was overheating, and my brother knocked some of the parts of the table I dont know if that messed anything up but I cant seem to get anything going. I tried powering with no battery and wall power, and just battery and holding the fn/f8 keys but im drawing blank. I also have a laptop a friend left for an Inspiron 1200 but the screen is cracked, so maybe I could use parts to fix the 1150 or vice versa???? any help on this would be greaaaattttttt!!!!! Thanks!!!


If there is no video on either the LCD or the external connection, then the onboard video is shot. Take the motherboard out, and inspect it all over with a magnifying glass. Look for components that have been knocked off. If you find anything missing or broken, purchase a parts motherboard and replace the parts. this does involve soldering components that are visible with a 15X magnifying glass, and a lot of patience.

If there is no video on either the LCD or the external connection, then the onboard video is shot. Take the motherboard out, and inspect it all over with a magnifying glass. Look for components that have been knocked off. If you find anything missing or broken, purchase a parts motherboard and replace the parts. this does involve soldering components that are visible with a 15X magnifying glass, and a lot of patience.

Thanks for the reply!! Umm The 1200 has video but the screen is cracked and I can still see it start up. However I cant get either one to hook up to an external....I know the black one has video is there something im missing??? I tried the fn + f8 keys with no luck...

Once you hook up your external monitor it should show something already while you are loading your machine. Perhaps the lights that you are seeing from the cracked screen is coming from the back light of the lcd. I know Dell has built in diagnostics, you can try holding Fn then power on your computer. See if anything comes up on the external monitor.

good luck

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