Hi all, I have a PC (E-Machines T3065) to be exact. Running WinXP I upgraded the mem to 2 GB. It has an AMD Athlon processor. My problem is I fire up the puter and it runs and loads OS, sometimes I have to restart many times to get it to go to WINDOWS. What occurs is this; the harddrive light will stay on constantly and signal to the monitor is interrrupted, "No Signal" message on monitor. Sometimes when the computer is idle the monitor will "Click" and the power button flashes with the NO SIGNAL message displayed. I was told by someone else that it was a Power Supply problem so I ponied up the cash and got a new PS. Puter is still doing the same thing. After replacing the PS it ran for many hours but still went into "Dead Mode." I reinstalled the OS and still the same crap. Could it possibly be the CPU? MEM? or MoBo? Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is MY Personal computer not a clients.

Clean the RAM and insert to the slot...

If it doesnt work then try it in another slot.

Hi all, I have a PC (E-Machines T3065) to be exact. Running WinXP I upgraded the mem to 2 GB. It has an AMD Athlon processor. My problem is I fire up the puter and it runs and loads OS, sometimes I have to restart many times to get it to go to WINDOWS. What occurs is this; the harddrive light will stay on constantly and signal to the monitor is interrrupted, "No Signal" message on monitor. Sometimes when the computer is idle the monitor will "Click" and the power button flashes with the NO SIGNAL message displayed. I was told by someone else that it was a Power Supply problem so I ponied up the cash and got a new PS. Puter is still doing the same thing. After replacing the PS it ran for many hours but still went into "Dead Mode." I reinstalled the OS and still the same crap. Could it possibly be the CPU? MEM? or MoBo? Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is MY Personal computer not a clients.

Right off I would suspect a bad connection between the monitor and the mob. First, remove the monitor connector to the computer and reinstall, making sure the connection is tight and correct. Second, make sure the card you are connecting the monitor to is fully inserted and is working properly. Do these two things then proceed to further possible explanations.

I did all that already. Multiple times, like I said I have a degree in Computer Support Specialist. I have seen MoBo's fail, HDD fail, Mem fail, etc... The only thing I haven't physically seen is the actual event of a processor failure or overheating. My computer will run only GOD knows how long sometimes it's hours on end sometimes minutes after start up. If I am in the Windows environment it just goes to a blank screen the monitor tells me that it is in NO SIGNAL mode the harddrive light is lit constantly (no flickering or anything... solid light.) Everything inside the case still runs; Fans, HDD spins constantly, however everything shuts down. I don't know if the first post was unclear, but I don't think it is in the mem. I am guessing processor but not sure.

I had a computer that did this way back (win95). Never got to the bottom of it. New ram, new PSU. Nothing. Was definately a hardware issue though, as it did it under other OSes too.

If you have a video card and a socket on your motherboard, remove you card and run directly from you mobo. This will eliminate or confirm your video card as the problem. Bad connections on the memory will stop any signal fro reaching the monitor. I assume you have two 1Gb sticks. Remove one and try that, if still the same try the other in another slot. If it is just one 2Gb stick try another slot and push it in and out several time to try to ensure a clean contact to the terminals inside the socket. You said you upgraded to 2Gb, are they new?, if not clean the contacts with a pencil eraser.

Right off I would suspect a bad connection between the monitor and the mob. First, remove the monitor connector to the computer and reinstall, making sure the connection is tight and correct. Second, make sure the card you are connecting the monitor to is fully inserted and is working properly. Do these two things then proceed to further possible explanations.

If you are now confident that it is neither the video card or mem, try booting the puter from any bootable disc, preferably a selfd booting Linux Ubuntu. If the system runs well, then your hdd has most likely bit the dust. If the problem continues even with the hdd not in ft use, then I would look very suspiciously at the cpu.

Thanks Bob, I already removed the ATI Radeon Graphics 9800 Pro and ran the video off the MoBo but the same problem still rears its ugly head. Thanks again tho, keep these posts coming I'm sure someone will figure it out or not.


Have you tried different monitors and monitor cables?

It would probably be worthwhile trying a linux live cd.

E-Machines have a reputation for blowing capacitors, check all you capacitors for swelling or leaking.

get knoppix live from signature and try it ,like poster above suggested ,one of the best way to get to the bottom of a hardware issue especially harddrive one .

I believe it was either the CPU or the MOBO at any rate I didn't have time to mess with it further so I went out and bought an HP Pavillion p6320y. Life is wonderful now! Thanks everyone for you help and suggestions. If I wasn't such a busy person I probably would've tried to fix it but when I weighed my options it just didn't seem worth it to fix a computer that was old.

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