Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and have a problem.

When I first bought my computer last summer certain processor heavy applications caused the computer to reset, just as if the reset button had been pressed, after a while though the problem disappeared. Now the summer months are upon us again the problem is back, and since I've moved into an attic room the problem is even worse, this leads me to believe that overheating is causing the problem, is this diagnosis correct?

Here are my specs:

AMD Athlon XP 3000+ 2.16 GHz

I also checked some of the readings in BIOS:

System Temperature : 35°C (95°F)
CPU Temperature : 51°C (123°F)

System Fan : 0 RPM
CPU Fan : 4,326 RPM

Are these temperatures too high? I'm also concerned about the system fan not spinning. I'm not too hot (no pun intended) on computer hardware so could someone help me out on this one? If it turns out that the computer is overheating then what should I do to stop it?

Sorry about the mammoth post guys, hope someone can help.

Andy Marshall


I would be concerned. Your computer is telling you a message... it doesn't like the heat.

There are a couple things at work here... the CPU Fan is not being told to spin, or the CPU fan is unable to spin.

Check the BIOS settings to see if you have a always-on setting. See if turning that on triggers speed in the CPU fan. I for one have never been a fan of thermo-control. If there is a fan there, power it and spin it.

If those options do not work, turn the box off and physically spin the fan with your finger. Is it smooth? Is there gunk in there preventing rotation? Is there power to the fan?

If you are not comfortable going into your machine, I would take it in and have it looked at before you melt it down.


yes if the bios is saying the temperture is 55c in bios it is more likely higher when running windows replaced heatsink fan as soon as you can get a zalman they make the bests fans

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