ok guys, i have a pimped out HP 753n computer, and i mean pimped out. I changed the mobo, vid card, added ram. Now my current pc is

2.53 Ghz P4
Gig of PC-2100 RAM
80GB Hard Drive
Radeon 9600 SE
200 watt PSU (Im worried about this)

i want to get this:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814130202

but my PSU would probably burn up into a fireball, so i need a new PSU. Can anyone recommend me a good PSU that will fit into an hp 753n case? Thanks!Also is the 6800 vanilla a good card?

ok just talked with hp support, and they said i need a mini atx mid size case PSU. Can you help me find one thats like 300-350-420 watt? Price under 30 dolalrs?

A mini-atx PSU? How big is your case? You're considering a fairly recent graphics card there, which can churn out quite a bit of heat. If your current enclosure is small with inadequate ventilation, then things could get quite toasty in there!

As for PSUs, ensure you get a brand name model - something from Antec, Topower, Enermax, OCZ, Tagan or Thermaltake. I would be looking for at least 350W. I'm not sure about models in the size you require - I'll have to get back to you on that (provided you stick with your current case!).

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