Hey guys hows it goin? I have a question that i cant seem to fig. out. I bought a new barebone for my desktop. (it comes with a new power supply and fan.) i used the same hardware in the old one and moved it into the new barebone. Everything works, windows loads properly etc.. except for 2 things. The mouse and keyboard do not work, they dont seem to even turn on. The problem may be b/c of the new wiring, but there are no special cords/cables running into the PS/2 and keyboard ports.
if someone could please help me with this, i would GREATLY appreciate it.

*note* im writing this message on a differnet computer


look in the BIOS to see if anything is turned off(PS/2 wise) and make sure the keyboard and mouse are plugged into the right plugins(you could have switched them) or just switch them to see if it works.

Do you use ps2 for mouse and keyboard or usb?

i use both, mouse is USB and keyboard is PS/2

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