I use de windows XP and I have the Trojan Horse Downloader.Keenval.P on my computer and I can't get it out. Please, does anybody knows how to remove it? I would appreciate any help!

did you do a virus scan? what anti virus software do you have on your computer?

I did, but it didn't work. I have AVG on my computer.

Can you please give us some information as to where (in what folders) AVG found the infected files and what it said it was able (or not) to do with them.

As much information as you can give us will help us get you sorted out most quickly.

It says it is n the C:\SystemVolumeInformation....... and to run AVG, but when I run it, it says that everything is OK and that I have no virus. And hours later the same note shows up. What do I do?

It says it is n the C:\SystemVolumeInformation....... and to run AVG, but when I run it, it says that everything is OK and that I have no virus. And hours later the same note shows up. What do I do?

I believe DMR suspected this; the virus has made it's way into your System Restore folder. Review this thread for more information about it and how to fix it:
If that doesn't clear it up for you, feel free to ask for more clarification/help.

I believe DMR suspected this; the virus has made it's way into your System Restore folder.

Yup, that's the direction my brain was moving in. Thanks for grabbing the follow-up. :)

Let's see if I understood. I have to disenable restore and then scan my computer again? This should work?
Well, I just did it but my AVG still saying everything is OK and virus free, so should I wait to see if the note of Trojan horse apprears again, or do something else?
thanks for the help so far... it's just that I know nothing about computer...

it's just that I know nothing about computer...

Don't worry about that, you're not alone. If it wasn't for the people who make and distribute viruses, spyware, and the like, no one who just wants to use their computer for their daily tasks would have to know anything about this stuff.

I have to disenable restore and then scan my computer again? This should work?


I just did it but my AVG still saying everything is OK and virus free.

That's a good sign.

so should I wait to see if the note of Trojan horse apprears again, or do something else?

If your AV program detects the trojan again you should let us know. The other things you should do right now are to make sure that you have the most current critical Windows updates/fixes/patches installed on your system by using the "WIndows Update" feature, and to make sure that you keep your anti-virus software up to date by making sure to regularly download the most current virus definition updates for the porgram.

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