Wow, microsoft made something that works! anyone who was having trouble with a browser hijacker wich put you on - - just go on microsoft and download 'Antispyware Beta1'. it will get rid of it and ask you for the new URL details... brilliant!

It is currently the most up 2 date Anti - spyware program around!!


I posted about this earlier and know one seemed to notice or care *whimper

Yep, it can be hard to get noticed in forums with so many posts. especially when your given (dnt no if u r) the title "Junior poster" or some rubbish like that. but, what you got to remember is, its just a bite of info, just because its useful doesnt warant a response unless they have more to add! chances are they did'nt bother looking.

Keep shouting - if they hear, well done - if they don't they've lost out

:twisted: stick'em in a feild and bomb the b#st*Rd5 :twisted: LOL

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