My norton subscription recently ran out and I constantly get subscription renewall popups. I don't want to renew it.
Can these popups be eliminated without uninstalling Norten.

It's pretty difficult to turn those warnings off and have them stay off. Is there any reason why you want to keep Norton installed if you're not going to renew it? After all, an antivirus program that doesn't have current virus definition updates is pretty useless.

The parental features is what I like for my children. I'm not worried about viruses too much. I don't file share or open unknown emails. Never had a virus in 5 years of not having anti virus software. I can tolerate the popups. It was just a thought.

You can try poking around the different preference settings to see if turning off various autoupdate and/or alert related options does the trick. I don't have a version of NIS in front of me right now to experiment with though, so I can't give you any specific pointers.

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