I am logging on a Linux computer through a Windows computer via SSH. I'm wondering if I can modify and, therefore, save files that are on that Linux computer?

If it is possible, what are my options? Is VIM the only option, or is there a more friendly application that would enable me to modify the file?


nano is a bit easier to use than vim

>I'm wondering if I can modify and, therefore, save files that are on that Linux computer?

>If it is possible, what are my options?
You can almost certainly use something called SFTP (secure ftp), which uses the ssh protocol. Using this, you can download files, modify them on your local computer, then reupload them onto the server.

As for editing the files directly on the server... this really depends on the server you're connecting to. I've used some that don't even have vim, and instead force you to use its older cousin, vi. Still others allow X11 forwarding, which enables the use of graphical editors like gedit. Again, it all depends on the server.

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