In my computer, I couldn't use a search function. When I right click the start menu I couldn't found in the list, I could use it in the explorer. It is there but it is not functional. What is the solution ?


You might want to give locate (/usr/bin/locate) a try. If you don't have locate installed, it would be worth grabbing.

If it's installed but you get an error when running it regarding a database being out of date, run the updatedb (/usr/bin/updatedb) command then try locate again. Note that you'll need to either be root or use sudo to run updatedb.

root@host:~$ updatedb -OR- user@hsot:~$ sudo updatedb
user@host:~$ locate stuff


>If it's installed but you get an error when running it regarding a database being
>out of date, run the updatedb (/usr/bin/updatedb) command then try locate again.
That's assuming that they're using the GNU findutils implementation of the 'locate' utility. For example, on BSD you'd generally have to run the following to update the locate database:

root@host:~$ /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb
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