
In C drive I am having window XP and in D drive I am having Windows 2003 server.
And I have 3 more drive, so when I installing Linux OS, after the step “Select a Language” it asking source of the OS “CD ROM, ISO Image, FTP, HTTP, HARD DRIVE”. When I select the option “CD ROM”, because I am installing form CD only.
And it shows that “CD ROM” drive not found.

Can you please help me in this issue.
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Member Avatar for nileshgr

Try it on another machine. If it doesn't work then the CD is defective.

I tried in other machine; there I can able to install OS with same CD.

Member Avatar for nileshgr

That's very funny. Report to the place from where you got the CD. Are you sure your drive is working fine ?

Have you put any other CDs in your CD drive? It may be your CD drive that is bad.

Put a windows installation disk in the machine you're trying to install and see if that works. If it does then you might have a driver issue. What type of CDROM is in the Linux machine? I know when SATA drives first came out I had a lot of problems getting linux install cds to work.

CD is fine. I installed windows in c drive. I cant able to installed has a dual boot. But in VMware I can able to installed linux, but there I cant able to mount my CD, CDROM is not detecting.

Member Avatar for nileshgr

I think the CD doesn't have driver for your CD Drive. What version are you trying to install ? RH 9 ?

But CD Drives & HDDs drivers are usually available with all oses. Try some new version of Linux.

I think the CD doesn't have driver for your CD Drive. What version are you trying to install ? RH 9 ?

But CD Drives & HDDs drivers are usually available with all oses. Try some new version of Linux.

I agree. This happens to me every time I try to install linux. Thats what you get for using new hardware....

You are having a Driver Issue, Try to install using another CD-Rom Drive.

commented: Its quicker than fixing the problem :) +6
Member Avatar for nileshgr

You are having a Driver Issue, Try to install using another CD-Rom Drive.

That's a good solution :)

You can use some 5-6 year old drive ;)

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