A Dell salesman misrepresented the Dell 968 AIO printer. I just bought the printer for my wife who is a Dell user. Upon questioning the Dell salesperson about Mac compatibility he said there would be no problem getting the driver for my Macbook Pro. Now that I have the printer, the driver does not exist for the Mac. When I called Dell a CSR said Dell is discussing future with Mac, but no drivers now. Is there any thing I can do to use the printer.
Thanks Clarence

Did you find anything?


Same here - i need the driver. No luck finding anything yet.

I noticed this thread is two years old, but now I need a dell printer driver for my new iMac. Is there still nothing out there?

i've got a brand new macbook and an old 2003 dell printer that i'd love to connect it to - but cannot find a mac os driver anywhere. do i really have to bin a perfectly good working printer. scanner and copier because dell and mac aren't in bed together?

you can download Lexmark 9500 Series LPD Driver from Lexmark.com and it should work with this printer

I know it's been a month since the last post - but I had a similar problem with my Epson, and found a driver called Gutenprint. It worked and I could print to it (the printer has issues with InDesign and printing larger than letter pages) with the paper size I needed.

Just have not figured out how to color calibrate it yet - I really need to so I can use the printer with programs other than Illustrator and Acrobat.

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