Have you heard about Cherry OS? For those who don't know, Cherry OS was announced on October 11, 2004 as a mac emulation program. It supposedly allows you to install OS X 10.3 on a PC. It was announced by the company Maui X-Stream who wants 50 dollars for this product.

HOWEVER I have not heard word 1 about it since right after the announcement. I wonder if any of you have word of its existance or lack thereof. Perhaps if you have heard reviews from any beta-testers?

Some of the alleged features of the new program include support for USB, IEEE 1394, and ethernet. I have also heard that it is supposed to emulate the PPC at 80% speed.

If you have heard anything, let me know :!:



In the meantime checkout:
http://www.cherryos.com http://www.internetnews.com/ent-news/article.php/3421551


According to INTERNIC, the domain cherryos.com is registered to a company out in Hawaii, and is only good for one year. Makes me feel uncomfortable that they would only bring out the domain name for only one year. Sink or Swim comes to mind.

I think the best Mac OS emulator out there is an environment called Linux. Granted, they are not the same, but getting closer. When people give me Intel hardware, it quickly becomes Linux or FreeBSD.

I cannot imagine with all the graphical demands of the Mac OS that the emulator would be able to achieve 80 percent of full speed. The Mac excels in artistic visual beauty... at a cost of performance.

It just doesn't feel right...


I cannot imagine with all the graphical demands of the Mac OS that the emulator would be able to achieve 80 percent of full speed. The Mac excels in artistic visual beauty... at a cost of performance.

yeah I thought that sounded quite high myself.

It just doesn't feel right...

Yeah that's why I thought it would be interesting if someone could shed some light on it. I guess time will tell if they ever release it ;)

I have been waiting, they pushed back the release date twice now, However when it comes out i plan to trial test it.

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