i have an apple using the mac os x operating system. I bought it yesterday from a pawn shop. it worked fine yesterday at the pawn shop when it was on. Today i turned it on and a screen pops up MAC OS X and an icon asking for a password. I dont have the reboot disk and neither does the pawn shop. I ned to know what to do to get into my computer. Please help

Since you bought the machine used, you may want to consider just going out and purchasing an OS X installer CD. Basically, I'd just wipe the machine out, and just put a new, fresh system install on it so you don't "inherit" the previous owner's issues that they may have had.

Also, it's not really advisable to post details about subverting system passwords on a board like this. Even though you motives for doing it may be pure, the techniques for doing it can also be used to gain unauthorized access to other machines.

You're going to have to contact AOL about that one.

Read the post above yours. No one is going to help circumvent your AOL password to get back into your account accept AOL, or at least noone should. Details of such a procedure should NOT be posted on any message board. Consult AOL for help with that.


I would recommend to anyone getting a used computer (and personally, I do this for *any* computer that becomes mine... new or used) and rebuild it from scratch. Only by doing this, do you know what programs are on that machine, and you alone are responsible for configuring security on it.

I bought a used laptop from a pawn shop several years ago too. Took it home, and the first thing I did was repartition and reformat the hard disk.

You never know what hidden goodies / problems are lurking around. There might even be logical disk drive damage...


i have an apple using the mac os x operating system. I bought it yesterday from a pawn shop. it worked fine yesterday at the pawn shop when it was on. Today i turned it on and a screen pops up MAC OS X and an icon asking for a password. I dont have the reboot disk and neither does the pawn shop. I ned to know what to do to get into my computer. Please help

hi, i can,t help have same problem, i was given a site with the block bypass info, but i,m really new at all this and i bought a mac i don,t even know how to use, IF I can remove block too! so, would it help you?? if i pass on the site i do have?? maybe you can fix yours then tell me what i,m doing wrong?? Laurel


I would recommend to anyone getting a used computer (and personally, I do this for *any* computer that becomes mine... new or used) and rebuild it from scratch. Only by doing this, do you know what programs are on that machine, and you alone are responsible for configuring security on it.

I bought a used laptop from a pawn shop several years ago too. Took it home, and the first thing I did was repartition and reformat the hard disk.

You never know what hidden goodies / problems are lurking around. There might even be logical disk drive damage...


hi, so re-formatting? is what you do? does that mean you get a blank slate like new? no more the block, or you get the block, but you get to set/bypass its use, i,ve never used mac and little of anything else windows and eudora6.1 i,m like other person, bought on ebay guy forgot his password cos been unused awhile and i cant find a way around even using hints on mitarbeiter???type name site i was given. aarrgh! Laurel

Hello Laurel,

Yes, by re-formatting, the computer is "brand-new" with whatever software you choose to install on it. What you will want to do is get ahold of the system disks, and startup the computer with them. Using a utility called the "Disk Utility" (found in the blue apple menu when loading from OS X systems disks), format the hard drive before performing the installation.

Once that is done, you will be prompted to enter in new password information, and from there, may install new software.


Since you bought the machine used, you may want to consider just going out and purchasing an OS X installer CD. Basically, I'd just wipe the machine out, and just put a new, fresh system install on it so you don't "inherit" the previous owner's issues that they may have had.

Also, it's not really advisable to post details about subverting system passwords on a board like this. Even though you motives for doing it may be pure, the techniques for doing it can also be used to gain unauthorized access to other machines.

Hi alex, sorry if i did wrong, i really am new to this, the guy i got from gave me site, i thought it was above board advice. wont do it again ever. Laurel .thank you.

Hello Laurel,

Yes, by re-formatting, the computer is "brand-new" with whatever software you choose to install on it. What you will want to do is get ahold of the system disks, and startup the computer with them. Using a utility called the "Disk Utility" (found in the blue apple menu when loading from OS X systems disks), format the hard drive before performing the installation.

Once that is done, you will be prompted to enter in new password information, and from there, may install new software.


Hi christian,i,m sure thats good advice but i dont understand it, i really am newchum i have a disk marked 8.6 and 9 but nothing seemed to happen when i put it in disk thingy. the block wont disappear! and i just dont have much idea, and the mac o/s book had me hopelessly confused by chapter 2. i turn it on, it makes noises,i get the block! it goes off,i leave the room. not a good start to mac world, no ones fault but my own. i will get a friend to look at your reply and see if he can do it for me thanks for the reply, Laurel


I am curious. What block?

If you turn on the computer, and hold down the C key while it boots, it should boot to the CD-ROM, and load up the installation materials (assuming you have the setup CD-ROM in the drive).

Good Luck.


Thank you everybody,my friend got it going, i tried letter C and control and all other sorts of stuff previous owner said. its been "done?" and now i just have to get brave and turn it on. i dont know how to remove my question so i don,t waste anyones time, now its ok, or does it stay to help others, who have similar hassles? thanks again, Laurel

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