
I have a mac (Lion OS X) at work and was wondering if there is software available to connect to it remotely from my windows 7 Laptop at home?
I would like to use XCode from my home PC. Is this possible? What software do you recommend?



Try Logmein for OSX, the client can be either PC or Mac based.

logmein is better

All macs have VNC, in the mac work this is called screen sharing. On the windows machine install a VNC client, enter the connection information username and password and so on. Then you will be able to use your mac full screen on your windows computer.

Here is a link to a Windows VNC Client

You could download TeamViwer. It's free and amazing. I use it!

You could download TeamViwer. It's free and amazing. I use it!

But with Teamviewer you always have to create a new session, with an other ID and password every time. I think Logemin will be a better idea in this particular case

I agree using a VNC client is the way to go but you might want to setup an encrypted reverse SSH tunnel to run it through.

More information can be found here: http://guides.macrumors.com/Remotely_Controlling_another_Mac

You might also find it easier to use a dynamic DNS (DDNS) service like http://dyn.com/dns/ which allows for 2 free DDNS names. This will make it easy to access your system from home using a simple domain name rather than needing to know the IP address which is difficult when you don't have a static IP issued from your ISP.

But with Teamviewer you always have to create a new session, with an other ID and password every time.

No you dont, I connect from Linux to windows, and I just double click it in the list of machines, and enter my normal OS logon details.

You might also find it easier to use a dynamic DNS (DDNS) service like http://dyn.com/dns/ which allows for 2 free DDNS names. This will make it easy to access your system from home using a simple domain name rather than needing to know the IP address which is difficult when you don't have a static IP issued from your ISP.

You wont need that if you use TeamViewer. Also, in my experience, TV and RDP work much better than the extremely laggy VNC.

You are right you will get a lagging session with VNC but you can use compression.

If you are going to pay for software and you are using windows you could also look at Citrix.
I have set a number of these up and there is no lag with these clients but like jbennet suggested with TeamViewer you are looking at $900+ for 5 licensees.

To be honest a lot of this is totally moot if I reread the initial post why not just use GNUstep at home on your Windows machine and just bring your code to work to compile it on your Mac later.


I am going to try RDP out tonight thanks for the tip jbennet.

Citrix costs a small fortune though, but then again, i suppose so do Windows Terminal Services CAL's... P.S did you know they own logmein?

Yeah Citrix is a small fortune. I had no idea. I remember LogMeIn was big when the iPhone came out. I hate paying for any software so I usually look for a OSS or FOSS alternative if I don't have time to write something myself.

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