I loaded 10.3 today on my G4 and Safari won't launch, or quits when I try.
Calculator also not working, and I went to burn a cd and Toast doesn't
launch when I insert the blank cd. Help! Please and thanks.
I tried a reinstall and ended up with the same situations.
Johnny U


Did you do an upgrade, or format first, and then put 10.3 on? I am also wondering if your G4 needs a BIOS upgrade or something. Tell us a little more about your Mac.



Did you do an upgrade, or format first, and then put 10.3 on? I am also wondering if your G4 needs a BIOS upgrade or something. Tell us a little more about your Mac.

Thanks for the response. It's a Dual 1 Ghz G4. A gig of Ram,
2 internal hard drives, an 80 and a 120. (both full, unfortunately)
I was running the OSX that came with it and I believe I just did an
upgrade. Then, I went online and got the Combined 10.3.4 upgrade and
loaded that and still no Safari, Calculator or CD burner. Also, Photo
shop files sitting on my desktop will not open when double clicked.
They do open when I go through Photoshop. Here's my info off the
System Profiler. Thanks. I'm dead if this thing isn't up and running
full speed by Wednesday!

Machine Model: Power Mac G4
CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (2.1)
Number Of CPUs: 2
CPU Speed: 1 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 256 KB
L3 Cache (per CPU): 2 MB
Memory: 1 GB
Bus Speed: 133 MHz
Boot ROM Version: 4.3.3f2

Would any other info help? Thanks SO much.

Hello John,

I have been out on vacation, and may have missed your deadline.

I am wondering if you are running out of hard drive space. Do you receive error messages that your hard drive is full? You mention that your hard drive is rather full, but there is a difference. I have seen problems when available space gets less than 500 mb on the Sytem volume.

Take care, and hope that your system is up and running and happy. Let us know if it is not.


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