my hubby was playing an online game and out of no where he got a blue screen and then the pc rebooted. it started up again in safe mode fine but now it just keeps blue screening and shutting off, does this sound like a virus or something? :?:

my hubby was playing an online game and out of no where he got a blue screen and then the pc rebooted. it started up again in safe mode fine but now it just keeps blue screening and shutting off, does this sound like a virus or something?

If you are running Windows XP or Windows 2000, you probably have the Blaster worm.

The quick-and-dirty way to get rid of it is with the free FixBlast utility from Symantec. Here's the URL of interest:

It runs from a floppy, so it's easy to run on the infected machine. It won't hurt things if the virus is not present. Be sure to read the instructions, especially as it pertains to having to re-initialze your Windows Restore.

If you do not have a hardware firewall, you need a software-based firewall. A hardware firewall is part of most cable/DSL routers, for example. A free software-based firewall is Zone Alarm Free Edition:

Which ant-virus are you using? A good free one is AVG Anti-virus Free Edition available from

Of course, if you are running Windows 95/98/Me the Blaster worm is not the problem... but the rest still applies.

well he got the computer running again somehow but his video drivers are gone and we dont have the disk...ugh...ill try the blaster worm fix though. thank you! he is now putting norton security on his pc. will that find the worm or no? does anyone know where to get a driver download for a geforce 4200 video card?

I tried the fix for the worm blaster but that wasnt the problem.

Hi, is the brand/ manufacturer of the video card "Nvidia"?

You may visit the site to download the latest driver for your graphic card.

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