Hey everyone. I am trying to install the Norton Anti-virus on my Mom's computer. When I do it, it says "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed." How do I fix this issue? Thanks guys. Any help is appreciated.

No luck. It still isn't working.

right click on my computer, choose manage, go to services and application expand, and hight light services look in the list for windows installer, double click and set to automatic. restart the pc then try to install.

I will try that and let you know if it works thank you.

Hey everyone. I am trying to install the Norton Anti-virus on my Mom's computer. When I do it, it says "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed." How do I fix this issue? Thanks guys. Any help is appreciated.

Hi Stephanie,

This is Mike from the Norton Authorized Support Team responding to your posting. Please click on the link below and follow the instructions to unregister and re-register the Windows Installer component.


Please try the solution in the document and let me know if you are succesful at installing Norton AntiVirus 2008.

Thank you,

Still not working. And now the Windows Installer keeps popping up.

make sure you are

a) an administrator
b) not in safe mode
c) running xp sp2 + have the newest windows installer (3.0?)

make sure you are

a) an administrator
b) not in safe mode
c) running xp sp2 + have the newest windows installer (3.0?)

check post 2 and 3

Caper any idea what might be wrong?

Caper any idea what might be wrong?

Nope ,sorry ,if you followed all the suggested fixes so fan and its still not working then maybe its time to pick another antivirus program ,Norton isn't the most recommended one anyway .
You could try a system file checker to check for corrupt or missing windows files .with the winxp cd in the drive go to Start /run/ type this in with out the quotes "sfc /scannow " note there is space between / and s ,if no difference i suggest the following
now i suggest a free one called AVG. get it here .

Thanks Caper. Oddly AVG had no problems installing.

Just as a reminder on how to solve this properly is to enable 'Windows installer' in the services. This can be accessed through the control panel and should always be set to manual. Obviously yours is set to disabled so it doesn't load when windows start.

If you would like more detailed information on this topic just pm me as this is the reason for the problem. I have experienced it myself.

Click Start menu --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Services.
Then when in services, find the service called 'Windows Installer'. Right click the piece of text saying 'Windows Installer' and from the menu that appears, select properties. Then a window will appear. Find the drop down menu which has 'Startup type' beside it. Click the arrow on it. Then from the menu select Manual. After that, you will find in the window an button with the word 'Start'. Click that button after selecting manual on the menu. Then click 'ok'. After clicking ok, close any windows you opened during the process and install Norton.

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