Recently I did fresh install to my computer from the start. I thought it went very well until I found out all the programs from control panel don't work at all. Even display program refuse to work from the property of desktop menu. After trying to figure out for awhile, I found something weird. When I restore my system to specific day, all the programs go back to work. Everything is fine even after installing some programs which I previously installed. But they all stop working when I double click on the drive letter from mycomputer/explorer. It can't even be fixed by restarting. All of them just stop working right after double clicking on the drive letter. I tried restoring several times just to make sure it is the source of the problem. I never experienced this kind of problem before. Can anyone tell me the cause of the problem? I hope it's not a trojan. I just don't want to reinstall my system. :icon_cry:

sounds like malware,tell me did you do a clean install meaning did you format your whole drive lost all data and started from scratch

I'm suspecting autorun for not showing contents of drives after double clicking on them. There is auto menu item in property menu when I right click on the drive letter.
To answer your question, ya I did. I even deleted partition and recreated it before clean install.

it might be something in your registry,run registry mecanic and regcure

did the incomplete control panel etc accure immediately after format or did it happen a day or so after

it might be something in your registry,run registry mecanic and regcure

does it come with window xp professional disc?

did the incomplete control panel etc accure immediately after format or did it happen a day or so after

Like I said, all the control panel programs work unless I double click on the drive letter in mycomputer. I can even browse the drive from file tree in left side pane of explorer. It only happens when I double click the drive letter in mycomputer. Thats why I notice only after few days.

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