hey, i recently formatted my hd, when i re-installed windows (xp) i noticed that the longer the pc was runing my mouse started to lag every 2 secs for a period of 4 secs at a time, upon looking at my processes in the task manager, i noticed my cpu usage was going to 100% for 4 secs then back to between 20% and 40% for 2 secs, it does this repetedly and all i have running is msn messenger, but it does it when nothing is running too ;/ i realy cant do a thing with my PC, as in play games, which i need to do as i run a clan for RTCW. ive reinstalled and re-formnatted 3 times, and still the same. i installed diff video and sound drivers every time and always made sure that i installed the chipset driver first b4 anything else, i have a friend who is very good at this stuff, and even he is stumped, anyone got any ideas? pleeeeease :'(

PS. please view the attached jpeg of my cpu usage to understand what im jibbering on about :)

Go to the processes tab (of the window you posted) and list the top few processes that are eating up all the CPU.

Also, do you have one of the new Pentium 4s with Hyper-Threading technology? (Actually, nevermind ... if you did, it would be displayed as 2 CPUs)

That's odd.

Processes tab, yes. Do you have SP1 installed?

By the looks of it your CPU has a very fast pulse rate.

jk ;)

(The graph looked like a cardiogram... )

Whatever this process is, it must be doing something big every couple of seconds. Are you networked or anything, perhaps acting as a server for user roaming?

[ Post deleted that was above here ]

Erm, I hasten to point out that the RPC service doesn't appear to be failing here. Otherwise the computer would reboot, not just slow down.

Hi, thanx for the quick response ppl, the thing thats using the cpu is DLLHOST.EXE means nothing to me, but maybe you guys will know.

NO i dont have sp1 installed, i was warned about it, so i never got it, basicly, i have audio and video drivers, msn and rtcw (return to castle wolfenstein) installed. :(

copy/ past from internet search

dllhost - dllhost.exe - Process Information
Process File: dllhost or dllhost.exe
Process Name: DCOM DLL Host Process
Description: The DCOM DLL Host process supports DLL based COM objects and is used by many Windows programs
Common Errors: N/A
System Process: Yes

I would also like to add that I went to viper and disabled the process that i thought i didn't need based on what i read about all the processes and my computer would not boot ,i had to go in safe mone and reset them !!

what i read about all the processes and my computer would not boot ,i

key word READ
you disabled rpc and not the (rpc)locator newbie mistake dont take it to heart start over

hey again, i ended the dllhost.exe on processes woohooo it worked, question tho, do i actually delete it now to stop it from starting every time i boot up? or just leave it and end process every time i boot?

key word READ
you disabled rpc and not the (rpc)locator newbie mistake dont take it to heart start over

I wont ,? do I set them to the way the viper sites says ,all at once or one at a time, and try it to make sure all goes well and then try another one.

theres 5 ways listed, its up to you which ones you need and dont need Default Home/Default Pro/"SAFE"/Gaming/Super Tweaked you can do them all at one time and reboot if you want the super safe way I have screenshots for you 1 sec brb
NOTE: (RPC) LOCATOR is on manual is screenshots below change to disable

By the looks of it your CPU has a very fast pulse rate.

jk ;)

(The graph looked like a cardiogram... )

Whatever this process is, it must be doing something big every couple of seconds. Are you networked or anything, perhaps acting as a server for user roaming?

This problem of CPU usage is also because of the temperature issue in the computers.
The temperature settings in the BIOS also effect the the overall temperature of the system and the CPU usage is disturbed because of that.

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