I have been having issues with Internet Explorer 6.0,

When ICQ is accessed on the computer Internet explorer fails to recognize the modem. It gives the message regarding a failure to detect the internet connection with the options of retrying or working offline. When I click retry, it loads and works properly, but each time I open a new IE browser I run into the sam proble.

I am using Sympatico high speed edition and in the Internet Setting option it does not recognize the modem. The internet works fine except for this problem.

Any ideas?

Is this a dial-up connection? Are you connected and doesn't recognize the fact that you are connected?

I would assume so. It's Bell Sympatico High Speed Edition.

I believe that is the issue, but I don't understand why the message appears. Now when I click the retry button I just have to do it once. Then the internet works fine until I shutdown and turn it on again. I don't get why it doesn't recognize it the first time but it does afterwards.

And I don't get what ICQ has to do with this. I just have to open up the program to cause this problem. But if I repair/reinstall Internet Explorer then it goes away. But if I open ICQ then the problem reappears.

What version of windows are you running? This sounds like a problem with either your dial up networking settings, or your internet connection/internet connection wizard settings.

I have been having issues with Internet Explorer 6.0,

When ICQ is accessed on the computer Internet explorer fails to recognize the modem. It gives the message regarding a failure to detect the internet connection with the options of retrying or working offline. When I click retry, it loads and works properly, but each time I open a new IE browser I run into the same problem.

I am using Sympatico high speed edition and in the Internet Setting option it does not recognize the modem. The internet works fine except for this problem.

This is a DSL service. Somehow, the ICQ application is hogging the modem -- which client application are you using? It could be a PPPoE issue with the client. One thing you could try is a different client; I use both the Linux and the Windows version of the free multi-protocol client GAIM: http://gaim.sourceforge.net -- It's newer software, supports ICQ and might work better with DSL/PPPoE. It's a good place to start.

Another thing you can try for experimental purposes is the CD-bootable Knoppix Linux (see my sig). It works well with my SBC/Yahoo! DSL and includes the Linux version of GAIM, as well.

Look at tallcool pulling out the GAIM card on you ....dude sweet

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