I am running WIN98SE with a GEFORCE (VisionTek) graphics card. Many months ago, I developed a problem; I can not change the Computer Display Setting under Control Panel. When I click on the Settings Tab (Display), the computer comes back with an rundll32 error message and than freezes up. Thus my display setting is stuck at 600X800. I have tried reloading the graphics driver and reloading the monitor driver (Sony Flat Screen) but to no avail. I'm stuck. Any suggestions?
PS: Nothing really changed in my system (that I can recall) that would have brought on this issue. I also keep the computer very clean when it comes to ad-ware removal and virus control. Help!!!!

"rundll32" error messages typically tell you in which module they occur. You didn't mention this. You might try looking at this web page to see if your problem is listed.

"rundll32" error messages typically tell you in which module they occur. You didn't mention this. You might try looking at this web page to see if your problem is listed.

I reviewed the link and did not see anything that applies to my issue. Again, When I click on the Settings Tab in DISPLAY (Under Control Panel), the computer freezes and I get the message "RUNDLL32 An Error Has Occurred in your program. To Keep working Click IGNORE......: However, I can not click anything because the computer is frozen so I need to powerdown and reboot.
The error does not specify any module or address. Very generic error message. I just removed and reloaded the Display Adaptors (both the Intel and the GEFORCE Driver) but still can not access the Settings under Display.
Is there as possible software issue with the WIN98SE for the DISPLAY? I know the adaptors are not corrupt since I removed and reloaded. Any other ideas?

I'm not sure I can be of much more help under the circumstances, however, I might suggest that you do these things.
1- Visit . Click on Tek Support on the left, and then on Vision Tek Forum. I believe the forum you need is Legacy Vision TekProducts. Register, if you are not a member, and then start a new thread about your problem.
2- Failing that, contact VisionTek's technical support at and e-mail them a description of your problem.

Either of the above may provide the assistance you require. Good Luck and please post the results here for the benefit of all our forum readers/members.

if you use the nvidia manager that is installed in the system tray you can change the resolution that way i had the same problem just now and it looks like you posted this a couple years ago so you probably have already fixed this or at least upgraded OS. if you have a question or dont understand this message you can email me or private message me.

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