My computer running xp froze and I rebooted. It then did not recognize my password so I rebooted again. This time it took my password and loaded windows but with no icons and then an error message popped up saying the computer will shut down in 1 minute and a coundown clock was shown. Once it counted down the computer rebooted itself.

I tried system restore using the safe mode but it didn't help. I ran adaware also. I can't get to my virus scan software as it was a downloaded version not disk. When I click on the Mcafee security center it wants to verify my copy is current but in the safe mode the internet doesn't work so I can't access that.

Earlier in the day my firewall warned me that a Trojan was detected and that I should do a scan. I clicked "continue what I was doing" instead. That may have been dumb!

Can anyone tell me if this is a virus and how to get rid of it. I was thinking of reinstalling windows xp using the reinstall disk. Would that be an option?

thanks for any suggestions.


My computer running xp froze and I rebooted. It then did not recognize my password so I rebooted again. This time it took my password and loaded windows but with no icons and then an error message popped up saying the computer will shut down in 1 minute and a coundown clock was shown. Once it counted down the computer rebooted itself.

I tried system restore using the safe mode but it didn't help. I ran adaware also. I can't get to my virus scan software as it was a downloaded version not disk. When I click on the Mcafee security center it wants to verify my copy is current but in the safe mode the internet doesn't work so I can't access that.

Earlier in the day my firewall warned me that a Trojan was detected and that I should do a scan. I clicked "continue what I was doing" instead. That may have been dumb!

Can anyone tell me if this is a virus and how to get rid of it. I was thinking of reinstalling windows xp using the reinstall disk. Would that be an option?

thanks for any suggestions.


Sounds something like the msblast worm. In safe mode, check your c:\windows\system32 directory for a file named msblast.exe

If it's there you have a version of the blaster worm.

Here is a link that will tell you how to get rid of it. It also has some removal tools.

In any case, it's more than likely a virus of some sort. If you don't mind erasing everything on your computer and reinstalling windows, that is always an option, and will get rid of the virus. You may not need to go that route though.

I ran xp windows repair last night and the system and icons came up fine and the the countdown didn't occur. I could not get internet access though so I rebooted again to see if it would recognize my dsl settings etc. and this time it did the same thing. First try wouldn't accept my password. Second try it did and I got my icons back but then it went into the coundowns and shutdown. This indicates that the virus was triggered again I believe. What do you think my next step is?

I ran xp windows repair last night and the system and icons came up fine and the the countdown didn't occur. I could not get internet access though so I rebooted again to see if it would recognize my dsl settings etc. and this time it did the same thing. First try wouldn't accept my password. Second try it did and I got my icons back but then it went into the coundowns and shutdown. This indicates that the virus was triggered again I believe. What do you think my next step is?

If you don't care about saving any files on your computer, you should do a full reinstall, not just a repair. There a couple ways to go about it. If you have a Dell, HP, E-Machine or similar computer that you bought at a retail store, it came with a restore disk (usually 2 or 3 CD's). The best thing would be to run that and let it reformat and reinstall everything.

Do you have those CD's somewhere? What make and model of computer do you have?

Definitely sounds either like the Blaster or Sasser worm. Try this Virus scanner, it can be downloaded to a floppy:

Run it in Safe mode, and that should square it away. Most any time you get this error message, counting down until shutdown, it's usually one of those RPC-based viruses.

Thanks for all your advise. I wound up calling a repair shop and he reinstalled windows but saved my critical files. He thinks it was the blaster virus. The problem with accessing these sites to get the "antidote" for the virus is that the virus causes me to lose my internet connectivitiy so its a catch 22. Is there any other way to get those files when this happens other than to call a professional?

He also installed Norton instead of Mcafee. Is it better?

Anyway, thanks, this board has saved me several times.;)


It sounds like you need to get a firewall too. I wouldn't mess with a software. Get a cheap hardware firewall such as the Linksys BEFSR41. I'm sure the repair place you took it to can sell you one and help you get it setup.

It sounds like you need to get a firewall too. I wouldn't mess with a software. Get a cheap hardware firewall such as the Linksys BEFSR41. I'm sure the repair place you took it to can sell you one and help you get it setup.

I run on a D-Link wireless router with a built-in basic firewall as well as a software Norton firewall. It works well for me.

Yes; Blaster or Sasser. There's a great article about the Sasser worm at PCWORLD.COM I think it does the "60 second countdown" to reboot that you mentioned. The same German kid that wrote "Sasser" also wrote the "Skynet" virus to attack infections of "MyDoom" and "Bagel"; antivirus companies call it "Netski". Even though that kid got arrested, I'm sure some of his friends are involved, in some way. I hope someday this craziness with Viruses and such finally dwindles away and leaves us all be, but in the meantime, keep a careful eye on everything you expose your computer to so as to protect your investment- and your peace of mind.

Is there any other way to get those files when this happens other than to call a professional?

He also installed Norton instead of Mcafee. Is it better?

The best way to get those files is to download them from a working computer and burn them onto a CD or save them on a USB flash drive. This thread may be useful:

As far as antivirus protection goes, I think Norton and McAfee are pretty much equal, but Norton reportedly has more problems and uses more system resources.

A good AV program that is free is AVG, and one of the best paid-for programs is Nod32.

A lot of antivirus programs include a "rescue disk" feature that is supposed to help you boot up and repair so that you can get back in business. I've never used mine, but if I had to, it's supposed to be fairly automatic. Once you do get an installation of antivirus software, look for and use that feature.


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