Many Windows Vista users are experiencing problems with slow file transfers. In this guide we will learn a quick tip to improve transfer times.

There are two ways we can fix this problem: by disabling Remote Differential Compression and Disable TCP/IP “Receive Window Auto-Tuning” and/or “Receive Side Scaling” in Windows Vista.

Remote Differential Compression (RDC) allows data to be synchronized with a remote source using compression techniques to minimize the amount of data sent across the network.However, this Remote Differential Compression (RDC) feature in Windows Vista needs to be supported by remote computer, and it will compare the files and update only the newest version.It creates overhead between connections, slows down high bandwidth and local drives’ transfer rate.Disable and turn off Remove Differential Compression feature in Windows Vista may provide a solution to slow file copy, file move or file delete bug.

Windows Vista TCP AutoTuning function is new feature of new TCP/IP stack in Windows Vista that tunes and optimizes TCP receive window size for each network connection for optimum download/upload speed, while Receive Side Scaling (RSS) allows the network load from a network adapter to be balanced across multiple CPUs. However, the implementation is not always goes the intended way, and many has disable TCP Auto Tuning in Windows Vista to solve issues such as slow multi thread download speed and various Internet browsing problems.

Here's How To: Fix Slow File Transfer Problem In Windows Vista

Trimming down the Indexing service can also make a big difference :)

The tips are quite unique and I liked them. One advice that I would like to give it to use a multi threaded file transferring software. I was also having this issue and I used GS Richcopy 360 which provided 100% multi threaded file transfer. It saved my time and efforts. I am using it now in windows 10 ultimate. Try it, thanks!

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