Ok, I have a weird problem, I have an Acer Aspire X3200-
Phenom X4 9100e 1.8 GHz
3 gig ram
with a 320GB sata hard drive

The hard drive was completely empty, so I tried installing XP professional 64 bit, right before I was able to do any "choices" a blue screen came up saying that my hard drive could be corrupted and that I needed to run chkdsk on it, since I did not have anything on the hard drive I could not run that, so I tried to install ubuntu, and that worked perfectly.

I had my friend try the windows cd in case the cd was wrong-it worked on his computer, so I thought maybe the hard drive was busted. I tried a different hard drive and it did not work again, with the same message.

Why does Ubuntu work and XP does not? I am very frustrated with this, I am a student and I just moved here, so I do not have my main desktop with me...anybody has any idea of known compatibility issues or something???

Many thanks!

What kind of processor do you have? You have to match up the windows bit set to that of your processor.

What kind of processor do you have? You have to match up the windows bit set to that of your processor.

not to butt in but !
from first post .
quote= Phenom X4 9100e 1.8 GHz

not to butt in but !
from first post .
quote= Phenom X4 9100e 1.8 GHz

I was unsure of whether he had a 32 or 64 bit. Goggle returned both :)

I was unsure of whether he had a 32 or 64 bit. Goggle returned both :)

Um, no??? All Phenoms are 64 bit.

Yes, it is a 64 bit processor.

I read that it could be a problem with the Sata disk...does this ring a bell?

Try going in to BIOS and change SATA, AHCI to IDE and see if that works.

I tried changing it to ide, and....nothing

I did the ubuntu memory check and nothing

I downloaded a moded version of XP with sata drivers...nothing

this is the message I have received every time, in different hard drives, in case someone recognizes it:



yeah, I checked them out...

the only solution I have not tried is using another computer to do a chkdsk on it, the thing is, I tried a different had drive! and it still did not work!

and I also installed Ubuntu succesfully...so it does not make sense...

I already went through the IT support flowchart, and nothing

Have you tried using the HD manufacturers utility (ie; MaxBlast, SeaTools, etc) to set the disk up to be used by Windows?

OK, I got it to work!

I used


and I played with it runned diagnostics on everything. Not sure what I did, but it only worked with the custom made CD with the sata drivers.

Glad to hear you got it to work.

Please mark this thread as Solved.


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