Hi, I am using Windows Vista and the Auto Run won't work. Also when I click on Start...Computer...I don't see the Sony CD Rom icon. Please email me at mmouse53a@msn.com if you can help. Thanks.

Hi, I am using Windows Vista and the Auto Run won't work. Also when I click on Start...Computer...I don't see the Sony CD Rom icon. Please email me at mmouse53a@msn.com if you can help. Thanks.

sorry we don't respond via email ,

Hi, I am using Windows Vista and the Auto Run won't work. Also when I click on Start...Computer...I don't see the Sony CD Rom icon. Please email me at mmouse53a@msn.com if you can help. Thanks.

Sony CD Rom is a cd-rom drive (maybe). It should have nothing to do with the auto-run. You have just a problem with the CDrom drive. Possible hardware failure, driver failure or badly changed settings.

Google a bit and you will find how to start the Autorun for drives.
Google: Vista autorun cd drive start stop

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AutoRun became restricted from Vista onwards for certain devices (such as flash-based media), but not for CD's. If no drive icon in My Computer, sounds like a HW issue.

Easiest way to find out if the CD drive is functioning and/or (physically) connected... reboot into the BIOS settings. If CD drive is not listed, then you likely have a hardware issue. If it is listed, reboot into Windows and open up the Device Manager to see if device has been disabled.

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