I've lost my Windows7 Administrator Password, causing me to be unable to install programs or do other system tasks. I've search this forum and found some answers, but none seem to work. I'd like to be able to change the password without doing anything extreme to Windows.

I've lost my Windows7 Administrator Password, causing me to be unable to install programs or do other system tasks. .

boy you sure are having a lot of trouble with win7 the opast few weeks ,you say you lost it ,so by the way your post reads you can get into win7 ,just having problem doing things that need upper admin ok,sorry don't know how to retrieve the one you used when you installed win7 ,maybe just reinstall giving all the problems you are having

Having a lot of problems ???

I'm not having any problems besides this problem with Windows7, I think you may be getting me confused with someone. The other problem that I had were minor and I solved them or they were just general questions. Why did you have to make a reply when you don't know how to solve ?

Having a lot of problems ???

I'm not having any problems besides this problem with Windows7, I think you may be getting me confused with someone. The other problem that I had were minor and I solved them or they were just general questions. Why did you have to make a reply when you don't know how to solve ?

I think you must reinstall window 7 again. Reinstalling may work fine. Good luck

I'm not having any problems besides this problem with Windows7, I think you may be getting me confused with someone. The other problem that I had were minor and I solved them or they were just general questions. Why did you have to make a reply when you don't know how to solve ?

ok i made a coment based on reading some of your other post ,,but i also asked some question you didn't answer ,im just trying to get hold on what you are doing when it ask for the password ,so let me understand , you have a upper admin password set correct ,and when you need to run certain program that need upper admin aproval it asks for the password correct .
and yes you are right i have no programs to suggest to you for cracking the password you used but now forget !

Have you forgotten your password or are you not the admidistrator?

I've forgotten my password for Administrator. I have a working Standard user account that I switched from Administrator.

try doing this steps
1. Type cmd in Start-Search
2. Right-click cmd result and "Run as administrator"
3. Enable administrator account if you have not aready done so by typing:
net user administrator /active:yes
4. Set administrator password by typing:
net user administrator mysekritword
(Replacemysekritword with your desired password)
5. Done! Switch user to administrator account. When done you may want to turn administrator off with net user administrator /active:no to avoid the login screen at boot if you only run one user account on the computer.

Hope it works on win 7 i tried on vista.

try doing this steps
1. Type cmd in Start-Search
2. Right-click cmd result and "Run as administrator"
3. Enable administrator account if you have not aready done so by typing:
net user administrator /active:yes
4. Set administrator password by typing:
net user administrator mysekritword
(Replacemysekritword with your desired password)
5. Done! Switch user to administrator account. When done you may want to turn administrator off with net user administrator /active:no to avoid the login screen at boot if you only run one user account on the computer.

I tried that, didn't work to "Run as Administrator" required a password. I called Microsoft and the guy had mentioned to me that either I'd have to do a re-install or if I found another method, try that. That still leaves open a possibility, I want to find that possibility as I told Microsoft, he said well hopefully you do :)

google search ,admin password lost

google search ,admin password lost

Is that an euphemism for, "I can't tell you how to crack a password, but..."

I have the problem solved, I found the password :)

Is that an euphemism for, "I can't tell you how to crack a password, but..."

something like that

there are lots of password recovery methods. They working for windows xp , and vista. don't know about the win 7. win 7 SAM is completely different implementation.

Administrator passwords are created for a reason. If there is another method besides a complete reinstall, then that will defeat the purpose of an administator having a password in the first place. Having said this, I can almost guarantee that your eventual choice is going to be a reinstallation of Windows. If not then what kind of message will this give system administrators on keeping system files & settings safe and secure from prying eyes etc.... Happy reinstallation!

I had forgot my password before.
and look through all the internet.
there are some methods I find.
You can access the Administrator account through the login prompt
without logging into safe mode. If the computer utilizes the welcome
screen instead of the standard NT domain login prompt, you can press
Ctrl + Alt + Del twice to get to the login prompt. This is only true if
you are running Windows XP Professional Edition. Windows XP Home Edition
will also allow you to use this method to log on.

This thread was about Windows7 not WindowsXP.

I'm not having any problems besides this problem with Windows7, I think you may be getting me confused with someone. The other problem that I had were minor and I solved them or they were just general questions. Why did you have to make a reply when you don't know how to solve ?

How we can recover the password after losing it. I don't have any idea about it. Because it is very danger. There are chances to lose the data.

commented: nothing to say - except spam -4

I've lost my Windows7 Administrator Password, causing me to be unable to install programs or do other system tasks. I've search this forum and found some answers, but none seem to work. I'd like to be able to change the password without doing anything extreme to Windows.

oh man let offer u somthing it might helps u ok?
there is a boot cd that works under dos it might help cuz every time i wanna crack a windows password i just use it
u just google hirens boot cd 10.2 or 10.4 this cd contains a lot of useful tools not even password locker
note: u will download it as iso so u copy it by nero or any cd tools prog

any way if it helped u don't forget to mark as solved

I'm not having any problems besides this problem with Windows7, I think you may be getting me confused with someone. The other problem that I had were minor and I solved them or they were just general questions. Why did you have to make a reply when you don't know how to solve ?

Are you using Windows 7, there is a separate hidden account called administrator.
The easiest way to access it is to go into safe mode.
You do this by tapping F8 just after the self test, and before windows starts to load.
Once on the start up menu choose safe mode.
Click on the administrator account.
From there you can change any passwords in the control panel under user accounts.
You do not have to know any of the passwords to change them, or you can use utility to delete the lost password.
Usually 3 steps easy to follow:
1.Download Windows Password Unlocker from Official site and decompress it on that PC.there is a .ISO file. Burn the .ISO file to a CD.
2.Get out the newly created CD and insert it to the locked computer.
3.Re-boot the locked computer and then follow the process of
instructions. Just after a few steps, the old password will be removed.
It supports all windows version, recover windows 7 password, vista/xp/2003/2000/NT etc.

ok .. try to get Hiren Boot 10.0 CD and try to crack the administrator password ..

then u can work for free ... and no password ...

by the 1st post from about 2 year

u can change the password by plugin the flash drive in ur system and the password will be saved there at the time when u r asked to enter ur password

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