I recieved a rediculous pop-up that threatened to mess up my explorer. After I ignored it, my IE does not open new windows right. If explorer opens a new window, the window is just a tiny box on the corner of my desktop. I can maximize it, but its gettin pretty annoying.

What was the message on the pop up? Use a spyware removing tool 1st to see what is on your machine.

I recieved a rediculous pop-up that threatened to mess up my explorer. After I ignored it, my IE does not open new windows right. If explorer opens a new window, the window is just a tiny box on the corner of my desktop. I can maximize it, but its gettin pretty annoying.

Here's instructions on how to fix this: IE How To Maximize. This has worked for me every time, on every version of Windows. It even works for Mozilla.

You should also download and run the following utilities from Gibson Research: DCOMbob.exe, ShootTheMessenger.exe, and uPNP.exe. The first one shuts off the DCOM/RPC function that Blaster/Nachi/Welchia uses to infect the system, the second shuts off the Messenger service (which is not the same as AIM, MSN Messenger. or Yahoo! Messenger) to prevent spam pop-ups (and likely gave you your problems), and the third turns off Universal Plug-and-Play, a security risk. Some combination of these may have been used on you.

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