I am trying to install Windows7 Home Premium on a Dell XPS 400 desktop computer. I have installed a brand new hard drive which is recognized in BIOS. I get a message that says "No boot device detected". The DVD device is running with a blinking light and the boot order has "Boot from DVD as the number 1 choice. I have purchased a full edition of Windows 7. There are no markings to indicate that it is only an update. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank You, victor1244

Press F12 or F10 for boot menu and select the cd/dvd drive. That should get things started!

Thank you for your reply, the boot sequence is set to cd/dvd, and the unit is running on boot up. I am going to change the dvd drive next. Thanks again, victor1244

Well it's either a problem with your drive or the disk! It is a proper microsoft windows 7 install DVD isn't it?

make sure you have a dvd drive and not just a cd drive, a steady blinking light just trying to read the dvd during boot is a symptom of this.

Thank you for your answer, It says DVD on the front of the drive. It does flash and spin though when it tries to boot up. I have purchased a new DVD R/W unit and I am waiting for a SATA cable to hook it up. Thanks again.

good luck, let us know. if that fails, use a program called win2flash and create a bootable flash drive and install that way.

Rik, Thank you for your input. I purchased the Windows7 Home Premium on E-Bay. It arrived in what looks like a proper packaging and does not say upgrade on it. It has the 25 character activation code and both 32 and 64 bit DVD's. When I bought it, little did I know it was going to come from China, but it did. I hope I didn't get screwed over. Thank you again.

make sure it's a region one dvd. try and read it on a known working dvd drive and browse the contents

Jerry, thanks for the heads up on the win2flash program. I will try it if I can't get the new DVD unit working, I have a large portable USB drive. Thanks, victor1244

Those chineese ones are usually genuine!

Jerry, I inserted the DVD in a working computer and I was able to look at the content on it. It was while XP was running and I selected the unit from "My computer" screen. On the box, it says if you are upgrading from XP you have to back up everything and do a clean install. So I think it's the correct version. I'll wait for the cable and hope for the best, Thank you, victor1244

Hello, I have good news. I received my SATA cable and installed a new DVD drive and Windows7 installed flawlessly. I apparently had 2 defective drives. Thanks for all your help, Rik and Jerry. victor1244

Good news indeed! :)

Run it on a external HD and see first.
Also did you buy a new dvd drive your saying or a new hard drive ??

Also is your mother board ok & are you sure of it ?? As that will cause it to read like that as well sometimes and say also sometimes 'no operating system located' just as it's saying that but about the drive.

Run it on a external HD and see first.
Also did you buy a new dvd drive your saying or a new hard drive ??

Also is your mother board ok & are you sure of it ?? As that will cause it to read like that as well sometimes and say also sometimes 'no operating system located' just as it's saying that but about the drive.

Thank you for your input, I have solved the problem and all is well, see my previous post:

(Hello, I have good news. I received my SATA cable and installed a new DVD drive and Windows7 installed flawlessly. I apparently had 2 defective drives. Thanks for all your help, Rik and Jerry.) victor1244

Oh ok. No problem. You welcome. Glad you got it. ;)

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