Just a quick question if i go into regedit is it safe to delete the links that lead to uninstalled software because there is a list of them that belong to applications that have long gone thx

It's really dangerous to mess with your registry ... I *guess* it's okay to delete keys belonging to uninstalled software - but I would still use a Registry Cleaner program instead.

That was quick thx yeah i do use a reg cleaner but these are still there i guess i just leave them for the time being messing about with things i dont know much about has got me in trouble in the past ha ha

before doing anything in the registry ,make sure you backup the registry /with it open go to file /export and copy the backup somewhere safe ,i usuall name it the date i made the backup .also i deleted reference to old programs al the time .haven't had a problem with doing it since 1997,had more problems using reg Cleaners :)

yeah i was hoping i would get an answer like that as i guessed no one would give me a 'yes no problem at all' i will make a backup tho just to be safe thx

Just a quick question if i go into regedit is it safe to delete the links that lead to uninstalled software because there is a list of them that belong to applications that have long gone.

There are several ways to do this. If you are running XP, the easiest is to download the XP PowerToy TweakUI. It has this function built in. If you are running Win 2000 or earlier, use the earlier version of TweakUI. It's a lot easier to do it that way than to edit the Registry.

In any case, Win NT/2000/XP users can do a full backup-and-restore of the Registry with ERUNT -- The Emergency Recovery Utility NT to keep your Registry backed up. It also includes an optimizer, as well. ERUNT backs up and restores parts of the Registry that Windows' built-in tools do not.

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