I did a very bad thing. I ran a spyware software program yesterday and found a lot of spyware on my computer. I started deleting the items by hand in regedit. However, I got tired and went to bed. This morning my Windows XP will not completely load. It hangs up at the Microsoft Windows XP screen. HELP!!! Is there a way to do a restore? I can't get to the "Start" button. I can go into setup, but I'm not sure that can help me. I am running Windows XP Professional.

Registry - Restore

Press F8 at boot up and you will se the option to load last good configuration (this restores the registry). If you have system restore on then you can restore system files just by booting into safe mode, right click My Computer and selecting properties, now select the restore tab.

I tried pressing F8. I got into the screen mentioned. However, I get the same screen -- the Microsoft XP screen. I do have restore turned on, but I cannot get to that screen. I tried pressing that selection another time after pressing F8. I always get the same result...the Microsoft XP screen. How do I get past that?

try booting to winxp cd and do a repair

I will try that, but will have to wait until tomorrow. Don't have a winxp start-up disk here. I will have to make one at work.

Well, I went to the Microsoft web site and got a set of start-up disks (6 disks). Wouldn't you know it, the fifth disk had a corrupt file! It's the disk.sys file. Therefore, I am back to square one! Anyone got any ideas?????????

I was refering to using the winxp cd to boot toand do the Repair ,not floppies

I tried using the CD, but it wouldn't boot.

I tried using the CD, but it wouldn't boot.

Is your BIOS set to boot from CD? Most newer machines let you do this and leave it that way -- if the CD's not bootable, it just goes on to to boot from HD.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I got the CD from work (I keep it there for safekeeping. I will re-evaluate that!). I repaired XP, then had to re-download all the service packs, reinstall my virus protection, reinstall a couple of other programs, but all is WONDERFUL again! Your posts guided me through what I needed to do. Believe me, I learned my lesson about backing up!:rolleyes:

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