
I have three domain controllers running 2003 Enterprise

DC1 " master" , DC2 " GC" , DC3

I updated the schema " Windows 2008 R2" on DC1 using adprep32.exe /forestprep and adprep32.exe /domainprep

when I run schupgr on DC1 give me everything successful upgrade to 47 etc..

when I run the same command on DC2 or DC3 I get

SSPI Bind succeeded
Current Schema Version is 47
ERROR: Cannot obtain schema version to upgrade to: 1

everything seems to work okay no replication errors or nothing its just I ran it and I see the error and now its bothering me , read many KB couldn't get into a clear answer especially the winnt32.exe KBS.

any clues?

thank you

I am fairly certain that if your schema is being reported at the correct version, the error shown can be ignored.

On a side note, if I may comment... In a single domain model, you should configure all of your DCs as GCs.

thank you very much, and yes as soon as i promot the newely 2008 R2 servers DC's all of them are going to be global catalogs for sure.

Thanks for awesome post. I have the newely 2008 R2 servers DC's but can not being updated please suggestions accordingly.

I have the newely 2008 R2 servers DC's but can not being updated please suggestions accordingly.

Before you start your AD upgrade, run DCDIAG on your DCs, make sure they are all healthy before you begin preparing the schema upgrade.

What error are you encountering when trying to update the schema?

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