i just noticed this happening when i bootup it's slowed and when i can look at taskmanager it shows that svchost.exe using nearly 90 - 96 % of CPU. i need some help please.

i found a solution to my own problem and i'm sorry. i at least thought i would post my solution though to make up for it. i simply turned off automatic updates and it went back to normal.

Are you sure that's a solution and not just sweeping it under the carpet?

Automatic updates shouldn't do that, and you would benefit more by having it turned on rather than by being forced to turn it off for some unknown reason.

How many items have you got running in your Startup list?

i have only two items which are both employed by pc-cillin internet security 2007.

Something's not right. Ah well.

it only started after the recent update from microsoft was installed by me. i don't know when the package release was but i know it was a recent update i installed. after that is when svchost.exe started eating up my CPU.

I have this vague recollection that one of the Windows updates was intended to fix a vulnerability in this or a related process. I can't help wondering that if by fixing it (or trying to) something that was exploiting it had a hissy fit on your system.

It certainly isn't normal behaviour, and although being forced to turn off Windows Update might send a geek or two somewhere into ecstasy, it isn't a good thing in the long run.

everytime i enable automatic updates it eats my CPU and as soon as i turn it off it stops. same process svchost.exe

And it shouldn't.

If you're happy with it as it is that's what matters.

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