Every since IE7 download, when I click that link that is a direct link to a .exe. Like when I click a link to download a program, that link is "invalid". None of my friends have this problem with IE7, and it happens with ever .exe I try to download.

Anyone at all? I need serious help. I download a lot of programs, and I don't know what to do!

Some of the new security features with IE7 prevent downloading files with .exe or .zip extensions. For the end user, this provides a little more security, but a big hassle in terms of getting things done. One thing I would recommend is resetting the internet security setting to 'Medium' in the IE7 Settings menu.

If you don't want to lower the settings, you may also be able to right click on those links, and choose 'Save Link As:', this should bring up the download dialog box for you.

Some of the new security features with IE7 prevent downloading files with .exe or .zip extensions. For the end user, this provides a little more security, but a big hassle in terms of getting things done. One thing I would recommend is resetting the internet security setting to 'Medium' in the IE7 Settings menu.

If you don't want to lower the settings, you may also be able to right click on those links, and choose 'Save Link As:', this should bring up the download dialog box for you.

I tried all the setting, even low.

And "save target as" doesn't help :( It just goes to say, the link is not valid, or something like that.

And it happens with ALL .exe files, so its not just one link. I keep having to have my friends download them, and then compress the files and then send them over MSN. Not very productive.

Internet Exploer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:
You are not connected to the Internet.
The website is encountering problems.
There might be a typing error in the address.

blah blah blah....

When I click save target as .. I get "the site was not found" error.

Anyone else?

Anyone else?

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