Friends: My computer suffered some crashes due to overheating, which is now fixed. In the process I lost some data, pictures and emails (Outlook Express 6) because my computer went back to a time in November 2006. Can someone suggest a good freebie software to recover my data? Windows XP Pro. Thanks a lot Folks.

hmmm, there are not many free recovery software, and i can't recomend any of them(i didn't try them), to my mind the best file recovery software is getDataBack, but it's not free.:(

I used r-undelete a (long)while ago and it did the trick for me. Good luck!

Regards Niek

My Friends: Many thanks for your help. I will try each and give a feedback how they work. Thanks again!!!

gerbil: Thanks for the response. Looks like a cool program. Will give it a try and tell you how it works. Cheers!!!!

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