When I tried to start up my laptop, it showed a message saying
<windows root>/system32/hal.dll

I searched around the web and saw that people with dell laptops aren't using the windows xp disc to fix the problem.

I have the windows xp disc and want to know if it's possible for me to
use the windows xp disc, f12, and try to repair it with that?

I haven't tried it yet, and I'm a complete newbie at computers, so I don't want to take chances to screw up my computer any more than I already have.

BTW, if that's not the way to fix it, then please help me.

This seems to be a boot file problem and it may be your hardrive is failing.but I found this page from microsoft that explains how to do this and it gives it and good detail. But if you will need the system disk or a copy of the Windows XP boot disk to complete the recovery they are talking about.

Heres the link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314477

So good luck and ill check back to see if that help, if it dident let me know.


sorry i dident see you said you have the windows XP Disc, so Then you will be able to run the Recovery Program (as it says in that link i sent you) and you should be all good from there.

Let me know

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