I searched for previous info on re-installing SiS_Lib.dll. The answers were less than encouraging. As I tried to do as was said to fix the drivers. Everyone wants money to do that.
Is there not some way I can do it without paying. In plain english please.

I searched for previous info on re-installing SiS_Lib.dll. The answers were less than encouraging. As I tried to do as was said to fix the drivers. Everyone wants money to do that.
Is there not some way I can do it without paying. In plain english please.

The plainest English i can speak,it will cost you nothing to reinstall the video drivers on you computer,you need to know the manufacture of the video card[if you have onboard video then to the motherboard manufacture] in you computer and go to there web site for free download of the drivers ,simple.

Okay I got the driver. Tried to download and the message Soft 32 error. Now what.

Please be more specific about the error message, what was running (exactly) and when that occurred.

There's nothing we can do to help you without information. You're right in front of the thing and many of us are thiousands of miles away.

On the scant info you've provided, I'd guess that you're infected with a trojan or something like that and an HJT log (see the Virus forum) would be in order.

But more info at least.

I am trying to download sis.lib.dll. Found the correct driver to download and it wouldn't let me with the error message soft 32 error. Tried to find the soft 32 and came up with scan for problem then pay and we will fix.

When soft 32 error is googled, there is no hit. SO there is detail you're not providing.

Have you got a program called soft32.exe for example? Search your PC and tell uis.

What is the precise error message?

if u are getting a soft 32 message and a prompt to scan to fix the proble i suspect you do have a trojan. get help NOW

The message just says soft 32 error.

i HAVE A anti spam, virus, scam etc on my computer that runs all the time. It says I have no virus anywhere.

anti spam and adware are two different things. run the spybot

i HAVE A anti spam, virus, scam etc on my computer that runs all the time. It says I have no virus anywhere.

You're being difficult.

You've come to us for help. We thought you had a trojan right early on in this thread. You've had sound advice on what to do and where to get it from.

Now either oblige yourself as recommended so we can help you or scram.

You're being difficult.

Now either oblige yourself as recommended so we can help you or scram.

Im starting to like you .LOL

Im starting to like you .LOL

You took your time!

I'm slow i know !!

I did download the spybot and cleaned up the infections it found. There was NO TROJAN.
I'll figure it out by myself. As always, just because someone doesn't understand doesn't make us jerks.

I did download the spybot and cleaned up the infections it found. There was NO TROJAN.
I'll figure it out by myself. As always, just because someone doesn't understand doesn't make us jerks.

Well, you ARE being difficult. We want to help you, but you only tell us the bare minimum. If you look at your first post, the sheer arrogance of demanding that we sort your problem out (on the scant information provided) "in plain English" stares everyone (but you) in the face.

So spybot cleaned up the infections. Which infections? We're thousands of miles away from you and you're in front of your screen. We have to see almost as much you see.

And this soft 32 error? What is the full text of the message? You won't give us this information and you come back with attitude at our frustration.

Anyway, you're now going to solve this yourself and you're welcome to come back here (with less attitude) if you don't solve it or other forums don't like your attitude either.

I think the soft 32 error is all one get when the pc is infected by a trojan or malware or any thing of that sort suspishio. I have had it in the past and it is annoying but the guy didnt explain the whole scenario very well and wasnt really very happy to comply with our advice so dont think sweatin on it will do any of us any good.

Everyone tried to help with as little information as we could get and then he comes back with "because someone doesn't understand doesn't make us jerks." kinda explains it all. So its better to leave him at it. Hopefully it should be sorted anyways if not good luck to him with this attitude cos no one went too technical with him at all here.


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