Ugh. I tried to demonstrate the IBuySpy portal from school today, but for whateveer reason, it won't connect to my IP. I've given out the URL in the past (, but for one reason or another, its just being a pain and gives me a 404 when I try to connect from school. Their network is occasionally pissy, so if anyone can just test it and prevent me from going mildly insane, that'd be great.


**Winner of the PCMK LAN Party**...although, its not hard when you're only playing with 2 other people who haven't touched UT2K3 before =P

It works for me :)

what would prevent it from being viewed there, then?

It depends how the school network is set up. Proxies and firewalls can block http:// requests from weird ports (801 in your case) for example.

Hofstra has a huge problem with students setting up ftp servers in the dorms, so they actually blocked all IP requests going out to OptOnline.

Opt on who? :D

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