
Im trying to reach a website ( http://developer.mozilla.org/ to be exact ) and I cannot reach it. I cannot ping it either. But http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/developer.mozilla.org says that it is up. What is wrong?

No problems to access for me.

Did you checked the estándar things like cable, router, firewall, ISP provider, line, socket, netting card, etc?

Are you having trouble accessing other sites? Can you get to the sites you listed from another host on your network?

No problem AFAIK.

I mean I can check standard things but that pretty much is a give in.

I have no problems accessing other sites.

I cant understand reach the site from any other host on my network. On other networks, (My PC thru Teamviewer for example) I can. I modified the hosts file local on my pc assigning the IP to the address and it works but since I am doing that, it cant find/load the CSS/images so it looks horrible.

Remove the static host entry you just added.

Try it from another browser.

If you ping the address from CLI, does it resolve to an IP? Is it the correct ip (match it with a ping from a working host).

Remove the static host entry you just added.

Can't. Only way it works.

Try it from another browser.

Same result

If you ping the address from CLI, does it resolve to an IP? Is it the correct ip (match it with a ping from a working host).

Can't ping it from CLI either. Only works by adding that static host entry.

Have you recently added any new extensions, or adjusted them?

Could you try with another browser? This would help the process of elimination as to whether the issue lies with the browser, firewall, router, or some other cause.

Can you temporarily disable your Firewall and AV?

Can you temporarily change your DNS server to Googles? That would be; (OpenDNS is an excellent free service you may want to try, and it's fast. But you would need to sign up for it)

You may find it helpful to follow the above steps one at a time so that you can easily undo them again without losing track of what you have done if they don't have the desired result.

Have you recently added any new extensions, or adjusted them?

Nope. Like I said, happens on all browsers and all hosts.

Could you try with another browser? This would help the process of elimination as to whether the issue lies with the browser, firewall, router, or some other cause.

All browsers on all hosts.

Can you temporarily disable your Firewall and AV?

No client FW or/and AV. I went ahead and disabled the router's one as well and still nothing.

Can you temporarily change your DNS server to Googles? That would be; (OpenDNS is an excellent free service you may want to try, and it's fast. But you would need to sign up for it)

Same thing. Tried this and nothing.

The odd thing is that it happens only on that site. Every other one works perfectly....

When you say you can't reach it, is there an error message? Does Event Viewer report anything?

This may be a stupid question, are there any admin there that are upset with you? Grasping at straws now... Parental Controls?

Remove the static host entry you just added.

Can't. Only way it works.

If you need a static host entry to make this work, then your DNS is not setup correctly or your dns server has issues.

What do you use for DNS? Your own server? ISP server? OPenDNS?

Since that site works for everyone else, it's safe to say they have their DNS entries setup correctly.

Comment out the static host entry and ping the site. Does it resolve to an IP even if you get no ping back? What IP?

Change your dns server for a test. If your are in DHCP mode, just add a manual DNS server to a public host like or or any other public DNS. Try to connect now.

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