Hi There

We have one office of about 4 PC's in one location that all belong to the same workgroup, connected wirelessly together through a US Robotics ADSL Router.

We have another office setup exactly the same as the one above in a totally different location.

Is there anyway we can join the PC's from Office 1 and Office 2 over the adsl connection to all be in the same workgroup, so we can share folders / printers etc. with both offices.

Is this possible to achieve with what we already have, if so how would we do this?

If not what do I need?

Thanks in advance.

exactly that wouldn't be called a router.... well.. that is a different thing to discuss... what i can suggest here. .. you can connect both the ends with the help of switch.. most probably it could help you out.......... as far as i learnt. n done..

sorry in advance if this couldn't help you out..

Hi There

We have one office of about 4 PC's in one location that all belong to the same workgroup, connected wirelessly together through a US Robotics ADSL Router.

We have another office setup exactly the same as the one above in a totally different location.

Is there anyway we can join the PC's from Office 1 and Office 2 over the adsl connection to all be in the same workgroup, so we can share folders / printers etc. with both offices.

Is this possible to achieve with what we already have, if so how would we do this?

If not what do I need?

Thanks in advance.

Unless you bought something crazy (I've never heard of an ADSL Router), you should have the 2 routers connected using a wireless bridge. The ADSL Modem goes into one of the routers, and then the whole thing is a connected network. Simple.

We have another office setup exactly the same as the one above in a totally different location.

I believe what mooman2004 is trying to say is that they have two workgroups, both having the same workgroup name and (private, I assume) IP addressing schemes, on two distance-separated physical LANs, which both connect to the Internet via DSL, and that they would like to basically span/connect the workgroups across the Internet.

We have another office setup exactly the same as the one above in a totally different location.

I misread, sorry about that! I think the only way to do that would be to set up a VPN.

our college has two branch that is located at different places.....one branch have 192.168.0.x network and 2nd branch have a 192.168.1.x network..now we want share our network with each-other we can purchase VPN connection now wee can remotly access both the network ping also doing to both network but now problem is there we cant able to see both office computer into workgroup so please help us

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