hello, long time no speak, i think thats a good thing! ;) here is the deal! have been searching on here but just cant find any threads that explain how to configure the router for my ps2!

prior to the router, it was simple, just unplug modem from pc and plug into ps2! never had a problem!

now that i have the router, i can get on line with the ps2(example,MADDEN 07) but i can not connect to anybody to play or if i do connect it disconnects before the game starts! same for other games, i can connect to the game's server, but cant connect to games!

please tell me how to configure this thing!

in the back of the game manual there should be a section about ports
open the required ports in your routers firewall and it should work

in the back of the game manual there should be a section about ports
open the required ports in your routers firewall and it should work

no good! game has no info but i did get the port info from EA's(MADDEN) website. but i cant get the "how to" from LINKSYS! even tried calling them but im on hold for ever! need to know how to configure.

thanks again!

Open up the router's configuration page. On Linksys, the address you enter into your browser is usually You'll then login using default name and password (I can't quite remember what the defaults are for Linksys, but it should say in your manual).

Then go to "Firewall", and make some rules like ALLOW INCOMING PORT 8080 (for example). Repeat with all the ports recommended by EA to open. Then try again.

on my linksys i type into internet explorers address box then i login with no username and the password i made when i first got the router and used the setup cd.

the router config page should be something like this:

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