i'm interested in computer programming and software development.
help me out!

>help me out!
Ask a specific question, and then say "please". We're not slaves you can order around. :icon_rolleyes:

> i'm interested in computer programming and software development.

> help me out!
Is being interested in those thing a problem?

Are you tired of being called a geek?
Are you fed up of being free tech support for an extended family?
Do you secretly want a more "manly" job outside, say lumberjack?

... or a desire?
What do you know already (I think we can take it as read that you know how to switch your PC on and use a web browser).

> Are you tired of being called a geek?
Are you fed up of being free tech support for an extended family?
Do you secretly want a more "manly" job outside, say lumberjack?

lol :P

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