if someone there is a student at Cs university or institut please give me the full program of Bsc in computer-science:Software engeneering and bsc computer-science:computer engeneering and wich one gonna help me more in security analisys and research plz i want to start my self education program cause there is no opportunity to study computer science in my country :p

I doubt anyone here could encapsulate a whole bachelor's degree program into a single post, or even an extended thread (though mike_2000_17 might be able to manage it :-) ) The best suggestion I can make is to look at Open Courses offered by some universities, most notably MIT. They provide a large part of their curriculum online, including their introductory courses. Their EECS program material can be found here, with the intro course videos here.

You can also try some of the free educational sites such as Khan Academy. While I have my reservations regarding the efficacy of Khan's teaching method, it does seem to be helping many people.

You are free to come here for assitance and advice, of course, but a whole BS degree is a bit much to expect from us.

Oh, and the MIT OpenCourseware site also hosts the Abelson-Sussman Lectures, which I highly recommend if you are really serious about it. You'll want to read the textbook they go to, though this is actually a newer edition than the one used in the videos. It can be a tough course to get through, but it is well worth it IMAO.

i already now about online courses i've tried coursera but i think its not the full program or courses they just give you few courses while there so much more to learn :P !! i just want the full program the i'll start looking for books and cours + exercices on the net ;) + dont forget wich one gonna help more in reverse engeneering and security research

I learned software engineering by doing. My first real project was to write an accounting application for a customer (I was a sales representative at a computer store) in dBase II over 30 years ago. He provided the specifications, and I learned the dBase language in order to deliver what he wanted. It worked out so well, I went into full-time software development and have been there ever since! FWIW, that accounts receivable program (and the subsequent general ledger and accounts payables that I wrote for him) ran his business for the next 20 years! :-)

commented: 30 years ago, wow amazing ..! +3

I have my Bachelors in Electronics and computer engineering. It will be really hard for you to do some of the projects as we were given, provided with most of the hardware we needed for our projects such as robot, line follower, where you start at the very begining and you have to make the hardware and the software yourself. But away, here is partly my education

Semester 1

Digital electronics, getting into VHDL and making a project with a small elevator. We had to make the software to move the elevator to different floors with some spesific reqs such as if the door is opened do not move and wait until it is closed.

Java Introduction with Blue J - Any java book would give you the basics, especially this forum. People in here are really skilled and I find the support extremely helpful for myself not only in programming. Also, google is your best friend but don't cheat yourself, try to write all the code yourself

Mathematics(Can't remember the exact name of the course nor any of the subjects)

Semester 2
Digital Electronics 2 - Getting into C language

Java 2, intro to Android

Project combined - we had to make a system that keeps tract of medical equipment, such as a knife, or anything. The idea is to have an rfid card that represents an item and rfid readers on each door so when an item is moved around the reader will send a data to a database that an item has went in or out of a room. Then using an android phone we had to implement a "search" where we would type the name of the equipment we need and find out where it is located, which room.

Digital signal processing - getting into digital world, meeting basic terms. Pretty sure that any book will cover all that was explained during the course.

Semester 3

Circuit theory and analog electronics. We had a project to make a metal detector with requiresments to it. The course was about electric components and different circuits, how is what designed and where/why it is used where it is.

Semester 4

Control theory (first thing I remember from this course was PID controllers)

Digital signal processing, more advanced now and meeting noises and getting our hands dirty with hardware projects

The big robot project that I mentioned earlier was also here.

Semester 5 - from now on, all courses were optional

Computer architecture

Basic high speed electronics(this was very cool, we had to make an amplifier using what we learnt, and was nice to see how components work in high frequencies)

Electro technique - was a lot of magnetism and calculations, transformers and what not

C++ for java programmers, I remember that the final project for the course was to make an accounting/bank system with multiple inheritance, and on the exam they were firing questions about similiarities and differences between java and c++

Semester 6
This was a semester with only practical experience. I was doing an internship in a company. Had to deal with lots of LabVIEW and Matlab. I had to make a program to obtain and send signals to 3 phased ac motors, and to gather information about their torque, how it changes in time, temp etc. at the end, with the thousands of results, in matlab I had to make a program to execute all the results and show us what was obtained. Finally, to find a way to calibrate the motors so they would have the same torque(or almost) at a certain temperature.

Semester 7

Bachelor's project. Did in the same company as my internship.

Artificial Intelligance - The big project was to make a chess game, implementing the alpha-beta algorithm.

Digital communication and modulation - had to deal quite a bit with satelliates , and quite some Matlab calculating and solving exercises

I have got a Bachelor degree in CS, but I transferred credits from a community college to 4-year university because it is cost efficient. During community college, classes are more on basic and generic, so there is not much you can focus on. There are only a couple courses that are for CS (one is about computer architecture and learn Assembly, and two others are basic for CS). However, you still need to take all English courses (ENG101, ENG201, and a literature course!).

After I transferred, 80% of courses there are focusing toward CS -- Numerical Analysis, Statistics, Data & Model, etc. Can't remember much now because it's been quite some times already. You will have to take another English course (ENG301) which is Technical Writing.

About 40% of that 80% are not CS major courses but in Maths, Statistics, and Engineering. You should take at least one on any CS concentration (i.e. Networking, AI, Computer Vision, Computer Languages -- NOT learn to code but more on compiler, etc.). You will get a feel of everything, and this should be the opportunity for you to decide whether or not you want to dig deep in one field and go for academic research or get out and work...

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