I am having trouble to find the specific information about Dijkstra agorithm and Shortest Path techniques for my following two problems. Please help me by providing either specific answer or URL for my questions. I appreciate your help.
[1] What is the running time of Dijkstra’s algorithm if the min-priority queue is implemented using a sorted array. I need to prove the answer by giving an example.

[2] Dijkstra’s algorithm can be easily modified to work on undirected graphs. Let T be a tree of shortest paths constructed by the modified algorithm for an undirected, connected, weighted graph G with positive weights.
1. True or false: T is a spanning tree of G? If it is true, give a proof. If it is false, give a counterexample.
2. True or false: T is a minimum spanning tree of G? If it is true, give a proof. If it is false, give a counterexample.
Thanks in advacne for all input.

The point of the questions is for you to do the analysis and come up with an answer. Any loser can find the answer by exhaustively searching for it online (well, maybe not any loser ;)); a promising computer scientist, as I'm sure you are, isn't afraid to figure it out for himself.

[search]dijkstra's algorithm[/search]

You gotta love our new search bbcode :)

>You gotta love our new search bbcode
It's a whole new level of catering to lazy people.

Don't worry - I'll have you using it in no time :)

I found no help from this Forum...it is westing of time..
People know how to give advice but don't know how to answer...

commented: Do your own homeword +0

>I found no help from this Forum...it is westing of time..
The feeling is mutual. After seeing how grateful you are that I saved you from making a huge mistake by not learning anything, I feel like I've wasted my time.

>People know how to give advice but don't know how to answer...
Here's an answer: Do your own homework! I've already done this stuff for myself, so why should I do it for you? What if you sail through your coarses and then become my co-worker? Then I have to deal with your incompetence because I did your work for you. Sorry, but I'm on a quest to improve the field, and people like you just drag it further into the gutter.

I found no help from this Forum...it is westing of time..
People know how to give advice but don't know how to answer...

You have to remember that this is a community of volunteers. No one is here because they have to be. They are here because they want to be. Every time a member here assists someone in any way it is a gesture of kindness and selflessness. You should never expect expect someone to give you what you are looking for. You can hope and you should ask for help, but never expect things to be handed to you. Especially when it is obvious that you are expecting them to do your homework for you. We want to help you learn but not by doing your work for you.

You should also be grateful for any response you get. Being negative, like you have here, only serves to prevent members from helping you any further in this thread and in the future. That's certainly not what you are after.

Hopefully you remember this so in your future endevours on this forum, or any other forum, you might behave in a more positive and professional manner and get the help it is you seek.

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