insert into mst_order_report(Capacity, Clearing_Alpha, Client_ID, Client_Order_ID,
Cumulative_Executed_Size, Date_Of_Expiry, Entry_Time, Exec_Type, Executed_Qty,
Executed_Value, Execution_ID, Hidden_Size, Inactive_Time, Order_ID, Order_Qty, Order_Status, Order_Type, Owner_ID, PAN_ID, Parent_Order_ID, Reason, Remarks, Side, Stop_Price, TIF, Total_Qty, Trade_Report_ID, Trader_ID, Transact_Time, Value, Visible_Size, Trading_Member_ID, Symbol)
select * from order_report(Capacity, Clearing_Alpha, Client_ID, Client_Order_ID, Cumulative_Executed_Size, cast(Date_Of_Expiry as date), cast(Entry_Time as datetime), Exec_Type, Executed_Qty, Executed_Value, Execution_ID, Hidden_Size, cast(Inactive_Time as datetime), Order_ID, Order_Qty, Order_Status, Order_Type, Owner_ID,
PAN_ID, Parent_Order_ID, Reason, Remarks, Side, Stop_Price, TIF, Total_Qty, Trade_Report_ID, Trader_ID, cast(Transact_Time as datetime), Value, Visible_Size, Trading_Member_ID, Symbol)

Here Order_report contain the data
and am inserting into mst_order_report
And my problem is in mst_order_report in which following column is of follwoing type
1)Date_of_Expiry as date
2)Entry_Time as datetime
3)Inactive_Time as datetime
4)Transaction_time as datetime
where the above 4 columns in order_report is varchar
I have casted in the above query
But it still giving casting error

that statement goes like this

INSERT INTO mst_order_report(Capacity, Clearing_Alpha, Client_ID, Client_Order_ID,Cumulative_Executed_Size, Date_Of_Expiry, Entry_Time, Exec_Type, Executed_Qty,Executed_Value, Execution_ID, Hidden_Size, Inactive_Time, Order_ID, Order_Qty, Order_Status, Order_Type, Owner_ID, PAN_ID, Parent_Order_ID, Reason, Remarks, Side, Stop_Price, TIF, Total_Qty, Trade_Report_ID, Trader_ID, Transact_Time, Value, Visible_Size, Trading_Member_ID, Symbol)
SELECT Capacity, Clearing_Alpha, Client_ID, Client_Order_ID, Cumulative_Executed_Size, cast(Date_Of_Expiry AS date), cast(Entry_Time AS datetime), Exec_Type, Executed_Qty, Executed_Value, Execution_ID, Hidden_Size, cast(Inactive_Time AS datetime), Order_ID, Order_Qty, Order_Status, Order_Type, Owner_ID, PAN_ID, Parent_Order_ID, Reason, Remarks, Side, Stop_Price, TIF, Total_Qty, Trade_Report_ID, Trader_ID, cast(Transact_Time AS datetime), Value, Visible_Size, Trading_Member_ID, Symbol FROM order_report

just make sure everything match

Thanks for reply
But still its giving conversion fail to date / datime from char string

convert both values in nvarchar like convert(nvarchar(200),date(),101)

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